

Hello, everyone!

This is Tak. I've been busy lately.
I recently moved into Australia, and am hustling everyday!!
Anyway, enough with my daily life. Let's move to the design talking :)

Today's design's Title: DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?

As I talked about it a little bit above, I moved in Australia, and the night sky was beautiful here that it inspired me to make this design that I'm going to introduce today. (Wanted to put a picture, but have only smartphone's camera :(  )


The stars in the night are so beautiful that as if I stared at them long enough, I could fall "down" into the sky.
This above is the big idea. I wanted to capture the idea of the falling down into the deeply, and getting lost into the far sky which were full of stars.

Also when I watch them, I can't help but imagining someone I miss on the other side of the earth.

Therefore, the themes in this design were decided to be "falling down into the sky," and "connection over the globe."

This was the first idea.
"The girl falling down in the universe."

To find what I'm looking for, brainstorming kept going on.
Those are the ideas that came up to my mind.

I thought it would be interesting idea to give the light from the surface of the ocean reaching to the girl.
BUT "lack of stars," soooo saved it for the other design I will make in the future.

This was the idea where a ballerina danced under the sky filled with the night stars.
The idea was nice, but I thought I kind of saw this thing recently. (La La... cough Land cough...)
Also there wasn't any expression of "falling down."

After those ideas, there were some I came up with, but all of them didn't have much potential.
Then, I decided to go back to the first idea, and see where it could bring me.

The next thing I saw was this below.
The core idea is the same, but clearer, and specific.
The girl was moved to the right bottom, and gave the feeling of falling in more, and by drawing the circle, the design gave the idea of "the girl is moving out of the world she used to be," and "the connection" that I talked about in the first place in this blog.

When I drew this on the notebook, I knew I was ready to go on laptop.

To find the item which is going to be the foundation for this design, I went to Google.
And I found this item, and decided to build up my design from there.

Then for the girl, I put the image of an astronaut just to have an idea of composition in the design.

put the girl, and letters which were "DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?" as it is the theme here.
Also I noticed that the design was too flat, (if too flat, it doesn't give you the feeling of falling down) so I added the depth there by duplicating each items.

Next thing is about the girl falling down.
One girl is not big enough to give an impression to the viewers, so I duplicated the girls, laid them in a row, and dropped from the top to the bottom in the center. pic.1 (I've tried other angles for how the girl fell.(picture below .2 .3)


pic. 2

pic. 3

The sentence " DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?" was too straight forward to the audiences, so I slipped the girls between the layer of the words, and made it a little harder to read the sentence.

After those processes, I came up with the idea where I put the white frame around this design, and gave the stronger idea of the girl falling from the top to the bottom.
But then, it didn't keep the balance well for my perspective.
I will share it with these images too in case you're interested in :)

This is my Instagram  page.
If you like this post, please give a big like, and hopefully subscribe too.
I'll keep making those, and would love to share with you!

Thank you for reading!

This is Tak.

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